I have sold a vehicle

  • STEP 1. Receiving the owner declaration code (SDK)

    Please note that from 1 May 2021, residents of Lithuania can sell both in Lithuania and abroad only vehicles that already have the owner declaration code (SDK). Click HERE for more information on how to get this code.

    If your vehicle was registered in Lithuania before 1 May, in this case, the SDK was generated automatically. You can verify it here:


    IMPORTANT. It will not be possible to declare changes in the ownership of the vehicle without the SDK, and the new owner will not be able to register the vehicle in his name.

  • STEP 2. Concluding a transaction

    We recommend using the purchase-sale contract of "Regitra" and enter the SDK in it.

  • STEP 3. Confirmation of change in ownership

    Before the buyer can register the vehicle in his/her own name, the change of ownership must be declared. This must be done by both the buyer and the seller. The buyer must do this within 5 days of the transaction and the seller within 5 days of the buyer providing the details.

    NOTE. If the buyer is a foreign resident/company, the declaration of acquisition of ownership is only required when the vehicle is to be registered or sold in Lithuania.



    Declaration shall be proceeded in the following order:


    1. The buyer shall apply to "Regitra" and complete the declaration of acquisition online or at the branch and submit the purchase-sale contract, the SDK and other necessary information.


    2. Then the seller shall confirm the data provided by the buyer.

    You can check here if the buyer has already submitted a declaration:



    If the declaration has already been submitted, you can confirm it in two ways:


    • Online



    • At the branch

    Register in advance for a visit to the branch and you will be serviced at the time convenient for you:



    The new owner is given a new SDK only after the buyer has provided and the seller has confirmed the data. The new owner now is displayed in the system as the declared owner of the vehicle and may already apply for its registration. The SDK of the former owner is annulled.