
The Joint Stock Company REGITRA started its activities on 7 January 2000 after its registration with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania.

The Company has been incorporated pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on State and Municipal Enterprises.

The institution implementing the rights and obligations of the Enterprise owner is the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania.

REGITRA belongs to the State by right of ownership and manages, uses and disposes by trust the assets assigned and acquired by it.

The Company keeps the Register of Vehicles of the Republic of Lithuania and the Register of  Vehicle Drivers of the Republic of Lithuania.

The Company provides public services of:

  • registration of vehicles;
  • examination of drivers;
  • issuance of driving licenses.

The Company provides data from registers about the motor vehicle fleet and driving licenses in observance of legal acts regulating the activities of registers. Furthermore, the Company also renders compulsory motor third party liability insurance mediation services.

On 8 June 2009, on order of the Minister of the Interior REGITRA was appointed the national contact centre for exchange of information about registration of motor vehicles in implementing EU Council Decision 2008/615/JHA on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime.